卓慧霖姑娘     張宇曈先生

駐校時間:逢星期一至五 (7:45a.m.-4:00p.m.)

大家好,我們是來自循道衛理中心的社工卓姑娘及張sir,負責學校的「全方位學生輔導服務」。在日常工作中,主要透過個別和小組輔導、成長教育課、輔導活動等全面而廣泛的輔導服務,協助我們的學生全人發展,並給予家長適切的支援,及與老師合作解決學生問題,強化學校的關愛文化。 歡迎大家在星期一至五,上午7:45至下午4:00與我們聯絡。

Hello, we are social workers from Methodist Centre, Miss Cheuk and Mr Cheung. The Comprehensive Student Guidance Service is provided at school in order to help students to achieve whole-person development and life-long learning. We also provide support to parents and teachers to cater for students’ individual needs in facilitating their healthy development. You are welcome to contact us from Monday to Friday at 7:45am - 4pm.

北循暨丹循校友會 循道衛理聯合教會北角堂 香港教育城 教育電視 每日一篇 eClass 內聯網 人工智能指導自學平台
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